become a contributor

Are you interested in adding your trip as a blog post? Great! That s how this site runs- on your contributions. Here's what to do: write up a brief description of your trip. Where you went, for how long, how large your group was, what season you went- the pertinent information. Let us know if you had a blast, or if you found a secret waterfall to play in, or if there is an amazing restaurant 30 minutes away where you dined after taking out. Please include photos. This is a public site so any photos could be viewed by anyone. Choose your photos and words accordingly. (See below the photo for some guidelines.)

Send your contributions to sonja(dot) (Change the (dot) to . when you do it.)

You will receive confirmation of receipt and be informed of any (minimal) edits that will be made, as well as the date your post will be up.

Feel free to keep the contributions coming! We need your information and photos to keep running.

Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you!

Submission guidelines:
We are aiming for a uniform, simple style to facilitate browsing, so...
Please title your piece with location and date of trip. Begin your piece with 

the basics

Please include photos. Give us an idea of what your trip was like. We love photos! Send lots. 

Next comes the extras

Now it's time to get creative. You can keep this part minimal, or pour out all of the goodness and wonder of your trip through your keyboard. Let your style decide how you interpret and submit this. It could be helpful to include some details, and recommendations here. i.e. reservations are required, or watch the road in rainy weather, stuff like that.

*This site is intended to inspire. Please do not include the nitty-gritty-every-detail account of your trip. Some folks may choose to use only this information to head out on a trip, and that would be a bad idea. We need to prevent that from happening so we will be deliberately light on logistics. Anyone who is inspired can use other resources to prepare for their trip.*

Thanks for taking the time. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Editors

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